Bring your school supplies to Open House night (August 29, 2024, from 5-7pm) or on the first day of school (Grades 1-5 on September 3, 2024, and Kindergarten on September 4, 2024).
Click here for a printable school supply list or scroll down to view all lists.
Important Headphone Information:
All Tanglen students will need headphones that connect through a USB-C port on the iPad. iPads do not have a traditional headphone jack and require a USB-C connection.
- Example of USB-C Headphones (Recommended) OR
- Example of Apple Headphone Adapter (If you’d prefer to connect a set of headphones with 3.5mm headphone jack to the USB-C port on the iPad.)
Kindergarten Supply List for 2024-2025
- 1 pair of headphones with USB-C jack or connector
- 1 Crayola classic colored markers
- 1 package Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 package of Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 pkg. thin black EXPO whiteboard markers
- 1 plastic coated 2-pocket folder
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 1 roll of paper towels
- 1 pkg. of crackers/cereal (peanut free) to share for daily snack.
- Some ideas for peanut free, nutritious snacks include: whole grain crackers, Rold Gold or Old Dutch pretzels, Nabisco Wheat Thins, Cheez-Its, Keebler Club Crackers, Kix, Cheerios, graham crackers, or bring fresh fruit (apples, bananas, clementines) throughout the year!
- If your child’s last name begins with A-M:
- 1 Crayola 8-color watercolor paint set
- 1 box gallon Ziploc bags
- Liquid Elmer’s Glue bottle
- If your child’s last name begins with N-Z:
- 1 Crayola classic colored pencils
- 1 box quart Ziploc bags
- 3 oz Paper Dixie cups
Please don't label the supplies above, they will be used as community supplies.
- A spare set of clothes (including socks and underpants) inside of a gallon Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. This will be kept at school for spills and accidents.
1st Grade Supply List 2024-2025
- $25.00 (Cash only, please)
- This money will be used to purchase all the materials your child will need for the year.
In addition, please provide the following items…
- One pair of headphones with USB-C jack or connector
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 container of Clorox type wipes
- 1 roll of paper towels
- Gallon size ziploc (not slider seals) LAST NAME A-M
- Sandwich size ziplock (not slider seals) LAST NAME N-Z
2nd Grade Supply List 2024-2025
- $25.00 (cash only, please)
- This money will be used to purchase all the materials your child will need for the year.
- Box of tissues (Kleenex)
- Container of Clorox Wipes
- One pair of headphones with USB-C jack or connector.
Teacher Wish List (optional class donations)
- Ziploc bags - gallon
- Ziploc bags - sandwich
- Thin dry-erase Expo markers (black)
- roll of paper towels
- pencil top erasers
- Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
3rd Grade Supply List 2024-2025
Welcome to third grade! We are looking forward to seeing you and your child at the end of the summer! Below is a list of supplies that your child will need. Thank you!
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- 1 box of 12 colored pencils (sharpened)
- 1 box of markers
- 4 black dry erase markers
- 1 spiral notebook
- 2 composition notebooks (hard covered, NOT spiral notebooks)
- 6 folders (2-pocket):
- Any Choice for a Homework Folder
- 1 Green Folder
- 1 Orange Folder
- 1 Purple Folder
- 1 Blue Folder
- 1 pair of durable USB-C headphones, labeled with your child’s name
- one dozen #2 pencils, PLEASE SHARPEN! (no mechanical pencils)
Optional additional items for the classroom (these donations are appreciated, but not required):
- 1 package of pencil top erasers
- 1 eraser to be used on dry erase board.
- 1 pkg. glue sticks
- 1-2 large box(es) of Kleenex (unscented)
- 1 container of disinfecting wipes for classroom furniture cleaning
- Hand sanitizer
4th Grade Supply List 2024-2025
- USB-C headphones
- 1 Wide ruled red composition notebook
- 1 Wide ruled blue composition notebook
- 4 black bullet Expo dry erase markers
- Mead Five Star folder with a clear plastic pocket in the front
- Blue folder — plastic with 2 pockets
- Red folder — plastic with 2 pockets
- Yellow folder — plastic with 2 pockets
- Thick Crayola markers — 10 or 12 count
- 30 Ticonderoga sharpened pencils
- 2-4 Glue sticks
- Water bottle (optional)
Optional classroom wish list items (appreciated, but not required):
- Kleenex/tissues
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Ziploc Baggies - Sandwich and Quart Size
- Individually wrapped peanut-free snacks, like Goldfish, pretzels, apple sauce etc.
- Colored Expo Markers
5th Grade Supply List 2024-2025
If you would prefer a 5th Grade Supply List with pictures of each item, please email the Tanglen office at
Please DO NOT label and organize your supplies, we will do it at school to fit our needs. Thank you.
- 2 Supply boxes - roughly 2(H)x 8(L) x 5(W)
- 7 Plastic Folders
- Black Folder
- Red Folder
- Orange Folder
- Yellow Folder
- Green Folder
- Blue Folder
- Purple Folder
- 1 GREEN Regular Composition Notebook
- 1 Gridded Composition Book
- Large supply of No.2 pencils
- 1 small handheld pencil sharpener
- 1 set of 12 colored pencils
- 1 set of 10 markers
- 1 set of eraser caps
- 1 pack of glue sticks (any brand)
- Small scissors (to fit in supply box)
- 2 Large boxes of Kleenex
- 1 roll of paper towels
- Headphones: If possible please purchase a USB-C pair. If they have the regular aux cord please purchase a USB-C adapter.
Please be mindful that these supplies may need to be replenished throughout the year.