Three kindergarteners in class looking at their teacher.

Kindergarten Roundup!

Join us for an in-person Kindergarten Roundup event designed
to connect you and your future kindergartners with your school community.

Learn More

Student at mock trial day.

Building our character strengths together

Embracing character development and creating a foundation to build success and happiness beyond academics.
Principal sits with students watching a local author read

Inquiry-Based Learning

Our community is learning by asking powerful questions.
A photo of Tanglen students participating in a ropes course.

Where growth mindsets take root.

Learn more about how we're setting scholars up for success
by focusing on developing character strengths.

Learn more


Tanglen Elementary is a K-5 school within the Hopkins Public Schools District, located in the city of Minnetonka. Tanglen Elementary recognizes its students as deep thinkers who are curious, capable, and ready to explore the world around them and follow their interests. The Tanglen school community has a deep sense of community and pride. The school offers integrated Spanish learning starting in kindergarten, STEM, and music starting in fifth grade.


Discover what opportunities await at Tanglen!

Tour with us!

Get a glimpse of student life at Tanglen.

Welcome Class of 2038!

Mark your calendar for your school's in-person Roundup event.

Tanglen News

cell phone policy

Guided by input from the fall survey, Hopkins will develop a cell phone policies with clear guidance for student cellphone use by March 2025. 

Tanglen principal Dr. Jim Hebeisen stands next to bookshelf smiling.

Note these two fun upcoming events on your calendars: Literacy Night on February 6 and The Tanglen Talent Show tryouts on February 11 and 13. Read more in this week's school newsletter from Dr. Hebeisen.